
Growing Under Cover: A Kansas Grower’s Guide

Growing Under Cover: A Kansas Grower’s Guide

Growing Under Cover 2 is here!! Written by Tom Buller, Kansas Rural Center; Dr. Cary Rivard, Kansas State University, Fruit and Vegetable Extension Specialist; and Kim Oxley, Research Extension Associate, Kansas State University, Growing Under Cover: A Kansas Grower’s Guide, provides success stories from Kansas farmers who use

USDA Cover Crop Chart

USDA Cover Crop Chart

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD COVER CROP CHART The Cover Crop Chart (v. 2.1) is designed to assist producers with decisions on the use of cover crops in crop and forage production systems. The chart, patterned after the periodic table of elements, includes information on 58 crop species

High Tunnels and Other Season Extension Techniques

High Tunnels and Other Season Extension Techniques

High tunnels and season extension allow farmers to increase the availability of their crops beyond the traditional outdoor growing season. Premium prices and an extended income stream are some of the advantages farmers pursue with season extension techniques. High tunnel production has increased rapidly in recent years

Are High Tunnels for You?

Are High Tunnels for You?

Adding a new program to your inventory? Smaller, often-temporary structures can provide the protection of a greenhouse to help jump-start a new line of ornamentals or edibles.

How To Reduce Storm Damage To Your Greenhouse and High Tunnel

How To Reduce Storm Damage To Your Greenhouse and High Tunnel

Your greenhouse is an investment that should be protected, safeguarded, and – as we’ll discuss here – storm-proofed. Storm damage not only has the potential to reduce your greenhouse to ruins, but will result in a devastating loss of crops. Many growers survive harvest to harvest, so

Daylength Calculator

Daylength Calculator

Shows the hours of daylight received during the year for an observer at a given latitude. This is an important factor contributing to the seasons. flash animation

NRCS EQIP Seasonal High Tunnel Initiative

NRCS EQIP Seasonal High Tunnel Initiative

How The Seasonal High Tunnel Initiative Works The High Tunnel System is a conservation practice available through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). This practice helps producers: Extend the growing season Improve plant quality and soil quality Reduce nutrient and pesticide transportation Improve air quality through reduced

Season Extension Topic Room

Season Extension Topic Room

From low covers to high tunnels, from hoop houses to greenhouses – producers are finding ever more innovative ways to extend the growing season, and their income stream.  Below is the topic room of resources provided by SARE. Season Extension: An Overview Don’t know a hoop house



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The listserv is a great place to learn what growers are doing with high tunnels, what crops and varieties do best, and what practices have been successful on local farms.

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