Season Extension Topic Room

From low covers to high tunnels, from hoop houses to greenhouses – producers are finding ever more innovative ways to extend the growing season, and their income stream.  Below is the topic room of resources provided by SARE.

Season Extension: An Overview
Don’t know a hoop house from a greenhouse? Learn the basic ABCs of season extension.

Season Extension: Types and Construction
Learn how to build a variety of season extension structures, and discover construction techniques for specialized features

Season Extension: Variety Trials and Selection
These resources can help you determine which crops will be best suited to your season extension goals and growing conditions.

Season Extension: Fertility Management
Learn more about providing adequate fertility to crops being grown in hoop houses, greenhouses and other season extension structures.

Season Extension: Pest Management
Information on how to handle pests and disease in the special growing environment of a hoop house, greenhouse or other season extension method.

Season Extension: Water Management
Irrigation is an important part of growing with season extension structures, where natural moisture is not readily available.

Season Extension: Energy
From temperature management to alternative energy sources, learn how to manage energy requirements economically in season extension structures.

Season Extension: Marketing and Economics
Information on budgeting, financial analysis, business planning and marketing strategies for a season extension enterprise.



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The listserv is a great place to learn what growers are doing with high tunnels, what crops and varieties do best, and what practices have been successful on local farms.

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