How to Build a Low-Cost Hoop House

Tod and Jamie Hanley, of Trebuchet Gardens in Norman, have been working for several years to develop a low-cost hoop house design that’s easy-to-assemble as part of their commercial winter gardening business. In 2007, the Hanleys received an Oklahoma Producer Grant from the Kerr Center to study the effects of different plastic hoop house coverings on temperatures inside the houses and yields of the crops grown in them.

As part of their grant project, the Hanleys also hosted a workshop at their farm in September 2008, to demonstrate just how they build one of their hoop houses. Over 100 people attended and learned the techniques, while helping the Hanleys to erect a new hoop house in just a few hours.

This guide is for others who would like to build a “Hanley-style” hoop house on their own. Illustrations and photos accompany the explanatory text, and a listing of materials, suppliers, and costs (as of September 2008) is included at the end.

Click here to view How to Build a Low-Cost Hoop House



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