Organic Insect and Disease Control

Pest Management in High Tunnel Crop Production

Scope of IPM in High Tunnels IPM is an economically feasible, environmentally friendly and socially responsible way of farming. IPM is based on the principle of economic thresholds, i.e., pests are managed only when populations exceed certain levels as determined by the type of crop, growth stage,

Organic Plant Disease Management: the Environment

Organic Plant Disease Management: the Environment

Introduction A susceptible host may be present, and a virulent pathogen may be right where it needs to be to infect it, but no disease will ensue unless the environment is accommodating. This corner of the disease triangle (the Environment) is key to the development of a

High Tunnel Pest Management Management

An introduction to High Tunnel Pest Management in Powerpoint by David Orr. NCSU Entomology  

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