For Growers

The early birds get the returns

The early birds get the returns

When we started farming in 1988 here in Argyle, New York, we realized that having produce in early May, when the farmers’ markets opened, would be beneficial for many reasons. Farming is our full-time living and, after a long winter with no income, May sales could provide

Evaluating Suitable Tomato Cultivars for Early Season High Tunnel Production in the Central Great Plains

Evaluating Suitable Tomato Cultivars for Early Season High Tunnel Production in the Central Great Plains

Introduction There is expanding interest in the use of high tunnels for extended season tomato production in the central Midwest. High tunnels (hoop houses) are passive solar greenhouses or cold frames that are used to extend the traditional growing season for many horticulture crops. However, there is

Homerville Wholesale Produce Auction, Homerville, Ohio

Homerville Wholesale Produce Auction, Homerville, Ohio

In the early 1990’s. Fred Owen’s 19 year-old daughter was looking for an auction opportunity. Owen, a dairy farmer, organized and built the Homerville Wholesale Produce Auction in Ohio. In 2004, over 45,000 lots were sold. Cash flowing through the produce auction to small local farms has

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