Warm Season Vegetables & Melons

Production of Tomatoes within a High Tunnel

Production of Tomatoes within a High Tunnel

I. What is a high tunnel? A high tunnel is a solar heated, manually vented, plastic-covered cold frame that is used to lengthen the traditional growing season for many horticulture crops. High tunnels, often called hoophouses can significantly increase the average daily temperature and protect the crop

High Tunnel Cantaloupe and Specialty Melon Cultivar Evaluation

High Tunnel Cantaloupe and Specialty Melon Cultivar Evaluation

Introduction: High tunnels are unheated, plastic-covered greenhouses which provide many benefits to vegetable producers: High tunnels lengthen the growing season of many high value vegetable crops such as melons and tomatoes. High tunnels protect the growing crop from extremes in temperature, strong winds, driving rain and destructive

Growing Cucumbers within a High Tunnel

Growing Cucumbers within a High Tunnel

Introduction: Cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L.) are high yielding but frost-sensitive vegetables. They yield very well as an early-season crop, but also will produce well during the summer and fall. One method to extend the production season of cucumbers is using a high tunnel. High tunnels are unheated,

Evaluating Suitable Tomato Cultivars for Early Season High Tunnel Production in the Central Great Plains

Evaluating Suitable Tomato Cultivars for Early Season High Tunnel Production in the Central Great Plains

Introduction There is expanding interest in the use of high tunnels for extended season tomato production in the central Midwest. High tunnels (hoop houses) are passive solar greenhouses or cold frames that are used to extend the traditional growing season for many horticulture crops. However, there is

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