For Growers

Management Practices of Growers Using High Tunnels in the Central Great Plains of the United States

Management Practices of Growers Using High Tunnels in the Central Great Plains of the United States

Survey Purpose The purpose of this article is to report general results obtained from a written survey of 81 high tunnel users regarding management practices related to production of horticultural crops in their tunnels. Growers were in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, and results were obtained between

High Tunnel Raspberries and Blackberries

High Tunnel Raspberries and Blackberries

Introduction Cornell and Pennsylvania State Universities are conducting research on high tunnel production to help northeastern berry growers capture a larger portion of the market for fresh berries through season extension methods. This publication, along with its counterpart, “Greenhouse Raspberries”, ( presents current data generated by this

Wilt, Nematode, and Virus Diseases of Tomato

Wilt, Nematode, and Virus Diseases of Tomato

Tomatoes are susceptible to numerous diseases. This publication addresses wilt, nematode, and virus diseases.

Growing Strawberries in High Tunnels in Missouri

Growing Strawberries in High Tunnels in Missouri

Introduction Strawberries are one of the most popular fruit crops produced in Missouri. The typical field production season for this high-value crop is mid- to late May through June for matted row (open field) berries. High tunnels may give growers the opportunity to produce early-season or late

Spinach Cultivar Trial in a 3-Season Haygrove High Tunnel

Spinach Cultivar Trial in a 3-Season Haygrove High Tunnel

Expanding Spinach Market Annual spinach consumption increased in the US from an estimated 0.3 lb/capita in 1970 to 0.9 in 1998 (Heacox, 2000) and 2.5 lb/capita in 2003 (Boriss and Kreith, 2006). The increase is mostly due to consumption of fresh “baby” leaf spinach (Boriss and Kreith,

Watering and Fertilizing Tomatoes in a High Tunnel

Watering and Fertilizing Tomatoes in a High Tunnel

Lewis W. Jett, Division of Plant Sciences Successful production of tomatoes within a high tunnel hinges on proper watering and fertilization. High tunnels exclude natural rainfall, so timely irrigation is important. Because tomato fruits are more than 90 percent water, yield and quality suffer when plants are

Triple-Cropping Specialty Cut Flowers in the High Tunnels

Triple-Cropping Specialty Cut Flowers in the High Tunnels

I want to share with you some results we’ve had growing specialty cut flowers in high tunnels here in Lincoln Nebraska. You can progress through the slides at your own pace, go backward or forward as you wish. This gives you time to look closely at the

Forcing Muscari for Early Sales

Forcing Muscari for Early Sales

This presentation is on forcing Grape Hyacinths for early spring sales. The general methods can be used by those who want to force small pots for the home as well as those with commercial interest. In the past five years, sales of forced grape hyacinths have doubled

Galia Muskmelons: A Potentially Profitable Early-Season Crop for High Tunnels in the Central Great Plains

Galia Muskmelons: A Potentially Profitable Early-Season Crop for High Tunnels in the Central Great Plains

High tunnels are low-cost season extension technology used for producing a diversity of horticulture crops (Lamont, et al., 2003). Specifically, high tunnels are passively vented, solar greenhouses covered with one layer of greenhouse plastic. Crops are grown directly in the soil beneath the high tunnel, and the

High Tunnel Melon and Watermelon Production

High Tunnel Melon and Watermelon Production

High tunnels are low-cost, passive, solar greenhouses which use no fossil fuels for heating or venting. High tunnels can provide many benefits to horticulture crop producers: High tunnels are used to lengthen the growing season of crops. High tunnels protect the growing crop from environmental stress such

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