Managing Soil

Growing Under Cover: A Kansas Grower’s Guide

Growing Under Cover: A Kansas Grower’s Guide

Growing Under Cover 2 is here!! Written by Tom Buller, Kansas Rural Center; Dr. Cary Rivard, Kansas State University, Fruit and Vegetable Extension Specialist; and Kim Oxley, Research Extension Associate, Kansas State University, Growing Under Cover: A Kansas Grower’s Guide, provides success stories from Kansas farmers who use

USDA Cover Crop Chart

USDA Cover Crop Chart

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD COVER CROP CHART The Cover Crop Chart (v. 2.1) is designed to assist producers with decisions on the use of cover crops in crop and forage production systems. The chart, patterned after the periodic table of elements, includes information on 58 crop species

Soil Solarization for High Tunnels

Soil Solarization for High Tunnels

Introduction Tomatoes are the most widely grown vegetable crop in high tunnels throughout Kentucky. This is primarily due to the high value of the crop, particularly since the high tunnels allow for entry into the market several weeks earlier than field planted crops. As a result, many



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