Warm Season Vegetables & Melons

A Pictorial Guide to the Cleft and Splice Graft Methods for Tomato and Pepper

A Pictorial Guide to the Cleft and Splice Graft Methods for Tomato and Pepper

Vegetable grafting includes three stages: a) preparation, b) splicing or cleft grafting and c) healing/acclimation. Failure to produce a healthy grafted plant can be traced to an error at any stage. Moreover, the second stage (splicing/cleft grafting) is the most quickly completed since (experienced hand-grafters can complete the

2016 Evaluation of Determinate Tomato Varieties for High Tunnel Production in Kansas

2016 Evaluation of Determinate Tomato Varieties for High Tunnel Production in Kansas

High tunnel (hoop house) production of vegetables has become quite common in Kansas.  The high tunnels protect crops from Kansas harsh environmental conditions such as wind and storm damage. In addition to protection, determinate tomato crop requirements (planting date, soil temperature, crop height, etc), high tunnels provide

2016 Evaluation of Hybrid Bell Pepper Varieties for High Tunnel Production in Kansas

2016 Evaluation of Hybrid Bell Pepper Varieties for High Tunnel Production in Kansas

Introduction High tunnel (hoop house) production of vegetables has become quite common in Kansas. High tunnels protect crops from harsh environmental conditions that can lead to wind and storm damage. In addition, high tunnels provide an excellent system for hybrid bell pepper production in regards to planting

Growing Under Cover: A Kansas Grower’s Guide

Growing Under Cover: A Kansas Grower’s Guide

Growing Under Cover 2 is here!! Written by Tom Buller, Kansas Rural Center; Dr. Cary Rivard, Kansas State University, Fruit and Vegetable Extension Specialist; and Kim Oxley, Research Extension Associate, Kansas State University, Growing Under Cover: A Kansas Grower’s Guide, provides success stories from Kansas farmers who use

Managing Stress in High Tunnels: Shade Cloth

Managing Stress in High Tunnels: Shade Cloth

The early onset of high temperatures in June has kept us on our toes as we manage our high tunnel production systems at the ISU Horticulture Research Station. While high tunnels bring many benefits to high value crop production, including season extension and increased produce quality, we

2015 Evaluation of Determinate Tomato Varieties for High Tunnel Production in Kansas

2015 Evaluation of Determinate Tomato Varieties for High Tunnel Production in Kansas

High tunnel (hoop house) production of vegetables has become very common in Kansas as they protect the crop from wind and storm damage in addition to providing season extension. We conducted a variety trial of determinate hybrid tomatoes grown in a high tunnel to determine which cultivar

2015 Evaluation of Hybrid Bell Pepper Varieties for High Tunnel Production in Kansas

2015 Evaluation of Hybrid Bell Pepper Varieties for High Tunnel Production in Kansas

High tunnel (hoop house) production of vegetables has become quite common in Kansas as they protect the crop from wind and storm damage in addition to providing season extension. We conducted a variety trial of bell peppers grown in a high tunnel to determine which cultivar is

Resources for Tomato Grafting

Cary Rivard Department of Horticulture Kansas State University crivard@ksu.edu Lani Meyer Department of Horticulture Kansas State University ljm7788@ksu.edu GRAFTING SUPPLIES Grafting Clips and Rootstock: http://www.hydro-gardens.com http://www.johnnyseeds.com http://www.tomatogrowers.com Rootstock Seed and Grafted Plants: http://www.johnnyseeds.com https://paramountseeds.com http://www.neseed.com https://www.harrisseeds.com http://www.territorialseed.com http://www.siegers.com http://www.seedway.com INFORMATIONAL RESOURCES http://www.vegetablegrafting.org http://agsyst.wsu.edu/graftingVegetables.html http://cals.arizona.edu/grafting/home http://hightunnels.org/category/organic/organic-insect-and-disease-control/grafting/ Based on

2014 Evaluation of Hybrid Bell Pepper Varieties in High Tunnel Production in Kansas

High tunnel (hoop house) production of vegetables has become quite common in Kansas as they protect the crop from wind and storm damage in addition to providing season extension. We conducted a variety trial of bell peppers grown in a high tunnel to determine which cultivar is

2014 Evaluation of Determinate Tomato Varieties in High Tunnel Production in Kansas

2014 Evaluation of Determinate Tomato Varieties in High Tunnel Production in Kansas

High tunnel (hoop house) production of vegetables has become very common in Kansas as they protect the crop from wind and storm damage in addition to providing season extension. We conducted a variety trial of determinate hybrid tomatoes grown in a high tunnel to determine which cultivar

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