Growing Under Cover 2 is here!! Written by Tom Buller, Kansas Rural Center; Dr. Cary Rivard, Kansas State University, Fruit and Vegetable Extension Specialist; and Kim Oxley, Research Extension Associate, Kansas State University, Growing Under Cover: A Kansas Grower’s Guide, provides success stories from Kansas farmers who use
The early onset of high temperatures in June has kept us on our toes as we manage our high tunnel production systems at the ISU Horticulture Research Station. While high tunnels bring many benefits to high value crop production, including season extension and increased produce quality, we
Your greenhouse is an investment that should be protected, safeguarded, and – as we’ll discuss here – storm-proofed. Storm damage not only has the potential to reduce your greenhouse to ruins, but will result in a devastating loss of crops. Many growers survive harvest to harvest, so
Shows the hours of daylight received during the year for an observer at a given latitude. This is an important factor contributing to the seasons. flash animation
Polytunnels, such as high or low tunnels, offer growers innovative tools to extend the growing season, help reduce risk, and increase yields, while mitigating extreme and “normal” Kansas weather conditions across all seasons. However, plastic-covered tunnels are no silver-bullet solution. They require significant financial investment, can be
Introduction A high tunnel is not, by definition, a permanent structure. Nonetheless, site selection will play an important role in its performance. Considerations in siting a high tunnel include orientation, airflow, shading, windbreaks, drainage, soil quality, weeds and other pests, and purpose. Purpose The purpose of the
An unheated PVC hoophouse can be a useful addition to your garden. It keeps excessive rain off the plants, blocks the wind, raises daytime temperatures 5-10 degrees (and often much more), and keeps frosts and heavy dew off the leaves. This can extend your warm-season gardening a
The University of Tennessee Extension maintains a collection of over 300 building and equipment plans, and all are now available in electronic format for download. The plans are primarily intended for use in Tennessee, but many are appropriate for other locations as well. The high tunnel construction
1. Should I use a single or double layer of plastic for my high tunnel? 2. What type of plastic is used to cover a high tunnel? 3. How do I repair small tears in plastic covering? 4. Is it possible to use 4-year film plastic for