Regular pruning is an essential component of blueberry management, yet its importance is often misunderstood because the costs to the neglectful grower are not immediate. Pruning is required to maintain the vigor and productivity of bushes, to aid in disease and insect management, to maintain large fruit size and quality, and to develop an appropriate growth habit for harvesting.
A young blueberry plant will produce many canes for the first several years. Cane production will gradually slow as bushes become tall. Yields will decrease because of the absence of new growth on which flower buds will form. An increasing amount of leaf area will be required to satisfy the respirational demands of both the fruit and wood. Furthermore, light penetration into the canopy will diminish, resulting in a shift of fruit production to the exterior of the bush, causing a decrease in bearing surface. Appropriate pruning practices can maintain a blueberry bush in an efficient and productive state, without the detrimental changes described.
Selecting canes for removal
When selecting canes for removal, first look for any winter-injured or broken canes, or canes with disease and insect damage. If injury is severe, remove that particular cane. Cankers and scales are common pests that can be partially controlled through pruning. Second, remove any cane that is rubbing against another to prevent canker infections. Third, remove those that are interfering with movement through the alley. Aim for a plant with an upright growth habit, yet with a sufficiently open canopy to allow for light penetration. Mechanically harvested bushes should be trained to a more upright habit and narrower crown than those that are hand harvested. Finally, remove short, branched canes that never receive much light. If these canes produce fruit, it will ripen late and will rarely be harvested.
Care should be taken to remove canes as close to the crown as possible. Do not leave 6 to 8 inch stubs. These will rot and act as a source of disease inoculum.
Time of pruning
Early spring is the best time to prune blue berries. Although some growers begin pruning immediately after harvest, it is thought that this makes plants more susceptible to winter injury and reduces the long-term productivity of bushes. By pruning in early spring, one can identify winter injured wood and remove it. Carbohydrates produced in autumn will also have had sufficient time to move into the roots and crown for storage.
Pruning young bushes
Little pruning is required on young bushes. Remove flower buds for the first two years to promote vegetative growth. This can be achieved by rubbing off the fruit buds, or by pruning the tips of shoots where the flower buds are located. At the be ginning of the third year, remove any twisted or low-growing canes to promote new cane production.
If more than two new canes were produced the previous year, remove all but the two healthiest at the crown level. In subsequent years, continue light pruning until the plants reach full size, removing all but 2 or 3 of last season’s canes. When plants are about 8 years old, they should contain between 10 and 20 canes of many different stages. Some cultivars produce many more canes than others, so the amount of pruning that is required on young bushes will vary with cultivar.
Mature bushes
Eight year old canes start to lose their productivity as more leaves are required to support a given amount of fruit on those canes. In addition, canes have branched considerably, and the most recent growth on which flowers form is usually thin and weak. Removing one or two of the largest canes in a mature bush will promote new cane growth. If bushes contain a mixture of canes of different ages, then annual removal of canes that have reached 8 years of age will allow for a minimal reduction in productivity, as 7-year-old canes grow to replace those that were removed. Regular renewal will allow for consistent long-term productivity.
Canes larger than one inch in diameter are not as productive as younger canes, and eventually should be removed. If one or two of the largest canes in a mature bush are removed annually, and one or two new canes are permitted to grow, then an even age structure among canes can be maintained. In general, up to 20% of the older wood can be removed from a bush without adverse effects on yield. Although berry numbers will be reduced, larger fruit will compensate for this decrease.
Regularity of pruning
Annual pruning is essential for stable production and high productivity. When bushes are pruned irregularly, young canes are produced in great numbers the year after heavy pruning. These canes will age together, and become unproductive at the same time. If one then wants to prune out the unproductive canes, nearly the entire bush will have to be removed. Also, no young growth is present to make up for the loss of fruiting wood. Therefore, irregular pruning results in erratic yields from year to year, and tall bushes will develop as individual canes elongate to compete for light. Research has shown that annual, moderate pruning produces bushes with the fewest canes, but with the greatest yields.
Detailed pruning
Removing injured wood should be the primary objective of detailed branch pruning in the tops of the canes. Branch pruning can result in higher fruit quality because berry numbers are reduced. Also, branch pruning can help relieve drought stress in hot climates where plantings are unirrigated. However, if one has done a good job removing whole canes, then little detailed pruning will be required.
Weak bushes require more pruning than vigorous bushes because pruning stimulates vegetative growth. Also, special consideration must be given varieties with spreading habits. Sprawling canes should be removed, but care should be taken to leave sufficient canes for fruiting.
When rejuvenating an old planting, remove one or two old canes for every five or six younger canes. In following years, remove up to 20% of the wood until new cane growth occurs. Keep only 2 or 3 new canes and continue to remove up to 20% of the oldest canes. Eventually, the bush will become more productive, cane numbers will decrease, and bush stature will decline.
In old, poorly maintained plantings, some growers have had success cutting all the canes to ground level; harvesting begins 3 years later. However, for this system to be most effective, canes must be thinned to the most vigorous 6 – 10. Others find that summer hedging immediately after harvest, coupled with selective dormant cane removal, works well.
Pruning is an investment in the future productivity of the blueberry planting. Regular annual pruning will spread costs throughout the life of the planting, ensure stable production from year to year, and serve as a useful tool for managing pests, fruit load, and quality.
Written by: Dr. Marvin Pritts, Department of Horticulture, Cornell University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
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